Under the category "Completions", you may view "All Completions", "Not Expired", or "All Records".

You may re-arrange or re-size the columns, and sort by multiple columns (see Working with Data).

The completed section contains data about each completed training (columns vary by sub-category selection):

Training complete all

Note: The electronic signature feature is only available in the Client/Server Edition.


All Completions

The "All Completions" sub-category displays all records where there is a completion date, regardless of current completion status. This section will include expired completions and may display multiple completions for each employee.

To view all completions, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen to the correct training record.
  2. In the middle of the screen, select the category "Completed".
  3. Select the sub-category "All Completions".
  4. View completed training records.
  5. To delete a record, click on the "X".


Not Expired

The "Not Expired" sub-category displays all non-expired completions. Records cannot be edited from this section.

To view current completed training, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen to the correct record.
  2. In the middle of the screen, select the category "Completed".
  3. Select the sub-category "Not Expired".

All Records

The "All Records" sub-category displays all records: items scheduled, failed, expired or completed, regardless of current completion status. This section may display multiple completions for each employee. This screen allows you to edit completion records.

To view or edit completions, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen to the correct record.
  2. In the middle of the screen, select the category "Completed".
  3. Select the sub-category "All Records".
  4. View or edit completed training records.
  5. To delete a record, click on the "X".

Completions that have been signed with an electronic signature can't be edited in the Client/Server Edition.


Enter Completed Training

To add training completion records, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen to the correct training record.
  2. Click Add Individual Completions at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the Employee name from the drop-down menu.
  4. Type in the date Complete, or leave the default current date. The expiration date will be automatically calculated for you, based on the number of months to expire, but can be over-written if needed. The current revision number will also be inserted.
  5. Enter the Score, Pass, and Cost (optional).
  6. Click Add or Add with Electronic Signature.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add another completion.

Enter Completed Training as a Group

You may insert completion records for a group of employees for a specific training, or you may use "Quick Add" to enter completions for any training without having to open the specific training record.

To insert completion dates for several employees at once, for a specific training, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen, Completed tab.
  2. Click Add Completions as a Group at the bottom of the screen.
  3. A pop-up selection screen will open. Check the box next to the names of the employees who have completed the training, or select a department or job title and click Check to automatically check a group of names.
  4. Enter the Completion Date and check Pass if they all passed.
  5. Click Add.

Add as a group screenshot

To "Quick Add" completion dates for several employees at once, for ANY training, follow these steps:

  1. From the Start Menu, click Quick Add Completions as a Group.
  2. A pop-up selection screen will open.
  3. Select a Training.
  4. Click Select Employees to Add as a Group.
  5. Check the box next to the names of the employees who have completed the training, or select a department or job title and click Check to automatically check a group of names.
  6. Enter the Completion Date and check Pass if they all passed.
  7. Click Add.

To enter another set of completions, repeat steps 3 - 7.



Duplicate Completion Records

If the program recognizes a duplicate training completion record, it will alert the user and not allow the record to be added.


Delete Completed Training

To delete a training completion
record , follow these steps:

  1. Open the Training Detail screen to the correct record.
  2. In the middle of the screen, select the category "Completed".
  3. Select the sub-category "All Records".
  4. Locate the record you wish to delete.
  5. Click on the "X".
  6. Confirm the deletion.


Expiration Dates

When you enter a completion date, the expiration date will be automatically calculated for you, based on the number of months to expire, but can be over-written if needed . For example, if a training usually expires after two years, but a particular class provides a 1-year certification, you may edit the expiration date for those records to reflect the correct time period.